Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Info about my blog

This being my first time "blogging", I thought I'd give some insight to how I have come to the here and now. First, I am a writer. Everything I do in life is to make me a better writer. I eat, sleep, dream, and breathe writing. Second, I just recently hit rock bottom, and writing is the culprit...or should I say not writing is the culprit. I have been stuck in a writers block from beyond Hell! So, my wife suggested I start a blog to keep the creative juices flowing, then maybe one day I can write that book I've been working on for 12 years, move her into the home of her dreams, and we can live happily ever after...blah blah blah. So, here I am starting my own blog. I'm gonna keep this blog as impersonal as possible(this post being the exception), and focus solely on giving my ideas and insight on two things I LOVE. Horror movies and horror novels. I don't expect everyone to love every book I write a blog about, or run out and buy tickets(or rent the dvd) of every movie I rant about. These are simply my humble opinions, take them with a grain of salt, hang on every word, or just hate everything I have to say. Just read it. Maybe you'll be surprised, see a movie you had no desire to see, or pick up a book you'd never read. Broaden your horizons, life is too short to never try anything new. Enjoy. My first post will come shortly, I know you'll be waiting with eager anticipation(note the sarcasm). Until then...

P.S. I am not really into the whole "latest and greatest" nonsense, so if you are reading my blog and are seriously emotionally damaged that I didn't run out and see Saw VI the day it came out, or I didn't buy the new Stephen King masterpiece that just hit shelves, get over it. I may write a blog about a book that came out in 1975, which I just picked up for the first time, or rave about a movie I saw 20 years ago, and rented again for kicks. There is no rhyme or reason behind the order of my blog. Just check back everyday, see something new, and then get back to doing something more productive. Thank you. Goodnight.

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