Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Drag Me to Hell Written and Directed by Sam Raimi

I was overly excited to see Sam Raimi's latest film in the horror genre. Being a huge fan of his earlier work, IE Evil Dead and Army of Darkness, I was expecting a humorous yet horror filled two hours. Instead what I got was a half rate, unfunny, overly dramatic piece of shit. Come on Sam, you can do better than that! The film, which tried too hard to be scary (unsuccessfully), and was too serious to be funny, left me bored after the first 15 minutes. The only thing scary about the movie was Allison Lohman's acting! It was horrific! And casting Justin Long as her uberserious psychologist boyfriend was the wrong choice. As I sit here writing this review, I am actually having a hard time deciding which part of this film I hated the most. Was it the lame story line? Eh, maybe. Was it the obvious plot twist? Could be. Maybe it was the "something has to land in Allison's mouth every five minutes" story line. Quite possibly. Not to mention the talking goat...vintage Raimi, but just plain stupid in the movies context. It pains me to bash Raimi's work, it really does, but on the other hand I spent 4 dollars to rent this movie which I could have spent on Taco Bell. At least Taco Bell would have stayed with me longer than this pile of a movie. And that's not saying much. Well, if you do plan on renting this movie at any time during your life, which I am vehemently arguing that you shouldn't, I am about to give away the ending. Not that it matters, since you'll have figured it out by the time the opening credits stop rolling. When Allison's character falls under the train and gets sucked into hell, I actually didn't care. Not a single ounce of compassion for her. She was the main character! A nice girl, with a good job, and a great boyfriend. You are supposed to care about the main character. Either you love them or hate them, depending on how the story was written. I couldn't have cared any less. She got dragged down to hell, end of story, at that point I had forgotten half the plot (which was awful anyhow), and was just begging for the movie to be over. Thank you Sam Raimi for one thing about this ended!

1 comment:

  1. I agree. This movie sucked. The only part I liked was when the old lady's teeth came out and she started sucking on Lohman's chin. That was money.
