Thursday, January 21, 2010

Halloween II. Written and Directed by Rob Zombie. On dvd.

First, a comment to all you movie snobs, Rob Zombie's movies KICK ASS! Everything I heard, from pre-production to dvd release was how awful Halloween II was. Let me kill that negativity right off the top. I loved Halloween II! It had all the elements of a great slasher movie. Gore. Check. Profanity. Check. Sex. Check. Drugs and alcohol. Check. Creative kill scenes. Check. Okay, maybe the story line was a little weak, does that even matter? The first Nightmare on Elm Street wasn't going to win any Oscars for writing either! I believe all the negativity that surrounded this movie came from stuck up, romantic comedy loving, wouldn't know a good movie if it sat on their face, movie critics. From the first scene to the credits, I was in horror movie heaven. The true test, and the most accurate gauge of how good a horror movie is, happens to be my wife. In the past 8 years I have subjected her to some of the most gruesome, disgusting, and over the top horror movies ever made. Let me say this, she has taken it like a champ! So, when we sat down to watch Halloween II for the first time, I was intrigued by what my wife would have to say. After the final scene, while the credits began to roll, she turns to me and says, "within the first 15 minutes of that movie, I wanted to puke twice!" JACKPOT! Horror movie gold! If it makes my wife want to vomit, you can bet your ass I LOVED IT!

I'm not really going to get too in depth with the synopsis of the film. It's about a killer in a William Shatner mask who comes back to Illinois to kill his only surviving family member. Pretty self explanatory unless you've been living under a rock in the middle of Iraq for the past 30 years. Just know this...from House of a 1000 Corpses, Devils Rejects, Halloween, The Haunted Life of El Superbeasto, Rob Zombie has been making GREAT horror films. They are bleak, ultra-violent jaunts into a world of chaos and perversion, and as long as he keeps cranking them out, I will continue to shell out my hard earned money to see them. If you don't like Rob Zombie films, well, you are no friend of mine!

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