Saturday, October 3, 2009

Zombieland. In theaters.

If you're like me, you've been fairly disappointed in all the recent zombie flicks to hit the big screen (or the small screen for that matter). How many times can you watch the same old thing? Disease hits a major city. People get sick. People die. People come back to life. People eat people. It's always the same, the zombies are in no way as intelligent as their human counterparts, and can often be left in the dust if their prey simply breaks into a jog. So, needless to say I have been waiting far too long for something different. I needed a zombie movie that I could sit through without saying "I've seen this. Nine hundred times before." Enter Zombieland. Billed as a Horror/Comedy, it doesn't shy from either genre. With enough gore to satisfy even the craziest gore hound, and enough comedy to keep most people laughing throughout, the movie rarely misses and opportunity to appease everyone.

Starring Jesse Eisenberg (Adventureland), playing his normal neurotic teenage character, which he nails once again, Zombieland starts out with a bang. Columbus (Eisenberg) is our narrator starting the movie with his "rules about surviving Zombieland", which pop up throughout the movie and are more often than not followed by uproarious laughter. I, personally, was laughing within the first 3 minutes. This fete was enough to make me toss aside my "zombie skeptical goggles" and relax. The hilarity had only just begun. Soon Columbus meets up with the brightest star in the film, Woody Harrelson's character, Tallahassee. With a penchant for killing zombies in new and creative ways, and an unhealthy obsession with Twinkies, Harrelson steals every scene. I am not going to give away too much of the plot, I want everyone to go out and see this movie for themselves. I will tell you, Emma Stone (Superbad), who plays Wichita, is very very hot toting a shotgun and a bad attitude. And, the scene in which the characters find themselves spending the night in a Beverly Hills mansion is worth paying the ten dollars by itself. So, if you are a zombie movie lover, a zombie movie hater, a lover of all things comedic, or have no sense of humor whatsoever, Zombieland is the perfect movie for you. I was entertained from the opening scene to the ending credits, and when it was over I wanted to walk out to the lobby and pay another ten dollars and see it again. Here's hoping for more zombie movies that don't take themselves too seriously. The original and only good zombie movie ever made George A. Romero's Night of the Living Dead, has been done, and redone again and again. We should all accept there will never be another as good as the original and stop making "serious" zombie movies. Take your cues from Zombieland, dead people who try and eat other people are funny. Make that work for you! So, scrounge up ten bucks, head down to your local theater and spend an hour and a half with Zombieland, I promise you will LOVE IT!

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